Clubs and Academic Organizations
在东南技术学院,你在课堂外学到的东西同样重要 as what you learn inside of it. 这就是为什么我们有许多学生俱乐部和组织 这将帮助你融入校园,在一个扩展的教室里学习,并开始 to make connections in the industry you are pursuing.
Student Government Association (SGA)
Southeast Technical College's Student Government Association (SGA) 作为学生在校园的声音,努力使东南理工大学更愉快 place to learn and attend classes. 通过成为SGA的成员,学生将获得更多的机会 根据个人兴趣广泛参与委员会工作 campus and community activities.
SGA每年的活动包括秋季和春季野餐,才艺表演,赌场 以及其他一些校园和社区服务活动. Representatives who serve on Student Government are selected from every program area. In total, about 70 students 通过学生会服务校园,学生会由九名成员担任行政人员 Board.
How to Join:
Tell your advisor
Email Student Activities Coordinator
Place on roster
Student Clubs
东南技术学院的俱乐部允许学生参与校园活动 link to other students with similar interests. 在东南理工大学期间,计划参加一个或多个这些特殊兴趣 clubs, or, start your own!
Approved student clubs may reserve space on campus and are allowed to promote their club through several means of advertising.
Please Note: 这些俱乐部由在校生经营,可能会也可能不会开放或活跃 every semester due to interest.
电影俱乐部汇集了热爱制作电影和视频并学习的学生 more about the ins and out of filming. The group meets on a weekly basis and tries different methods of filming at various places on campus. This club is open to any 非常适合数字媒体制作或媒体设计专业的学生.
The Gamers Club brings together students who love to game. The group meets on a weekly basis - all games are encouraged. Games include but are not limited to: board games, card games and video games. Tabletop games are also available in small gaming groups.
Roots is Southeast Tech’s Multicultural Club. Its goal is to create an inclusive environment for all cultures on campus. Members play games, discuss cultural clothing and seek to communicate with other languages and dialects. Anyone is welcome to join!
东南骄傲是东南理工大学的LGBT俱乐部,鼓励为同性恋者提供安全的环境 LGBT students and allies on campus. The group meets weekly and provides a safe place for students/allies as well as campus programming.
“美国转折点”是一个非营利性、无党派的学生组织,讨论各种问题 and holds weekly meetings. Its mission is to identify, educate, train and organize 向学生推广财政责任、自由市场和有限市场的原则 government.
东南理工大学的退伍军人俱乐部为退伍军人及其配偶提供支持 and dependents through the education process. It also promotes awareness of Veterans’ needs to Southeast Tech and the community. Students participate in various campus and community events.
Academic Organizations
Associated with Academic Programs
东南理工学院为学生提供了十多个学术项目的机会 以比赛、演讲嘉宾、参观等方式加强课堂教育 与校内学生组织的认可学习形式. Approved student 组织与特定的程序领域相关联,它们的目的是补充 东南科技的使命,并进一步提高计划的教育目标.
经批准的组织可以使用协会的名称作为组织的一部分 title and are allowed to promote their organization on campus.
South Dakota Advertising Federation (SDAF)
SDAF是美国图形艺术学会的一个大学级分会. Through 通过这个组织,学生们有机会从中学到更多威尼斯手机版娱乐场图形艺术的知识 该领域的专业人士,以及通过季度通讯、月度会议, and field trips. 学生有机会进行领导、组织和沟通 和奖学金,因为他们学习新的方法来使用他们的业务,营销,或图形 communications skills. 东南理工学院的任何学生都可以成为SDAF会员 is interested in learning more about graphic art.
Animation Technology Artisans (ATA) Student Organization
ATA通过继续教育将数字媒体制作专业的学生联合起来 发展,改进和扩大ATA计划和专业的进步 of the motion graphics and animation industry. The organization strives to encourage 学生之间的友情,并提供与当地和地区互动的手段 professionals.
Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP)
AITP致力于利用资讯科技伙伴关系的协同作用提供 教育和利益的学生计划在信息系统或相关的职业生涯 fields. 该组织还与工业界合作,协助全面推广 and direction of information technology. AITP Student Chapter members have the opportunity 参加每月与社区中从事信息工作的专业人士的会议 technology fields. 他们享受个人成长、职业发展,并从中获益 knowledge of the industry.
Civil Engineering Technology Student Organization
土木工程技术学生组织的成立是为了促进个人, 东南地区的道德、教育、专业发展和责任 Tech Civil Engineering students. These objectives are developed through student organized, student developed and student-run meetings. In addition to regular meetings, guest 来自土木工程界的演讲者被邀请分别向小组发言 month. 学校鼓励学生参与校园发展和当地非盈利项目 调查,如城市和校园公园的改善,球场的布局,布局 golf courses, etc.
Construction Management Student Organization
该组织的成立是为了促进个人,道德,教育和专业 东南理工建设管理专业学生的发展职责. 这些目标是通过学生组织、学生发展和学生管理来实现的 meetings. 除了定期会议外,还有来自建筑界的嘉宾演讲 are invited to speak to the group each month. One of the highest priorities is promoting industry involvement.
东南理工学院体育草皮管理专业的学生注定会找到工作 在体育产业上可在高尔夫球场、足球场等休闲场地进行比赛 fields. GCSAA的成员将受益于与专业人士的额外接触 因为他们看到了自己技能的实际应用.
Early Childhood Student Organization
幼儿学生组织是一个为有兴趣的学生服务的组织 in learning more about the profession of early childhood. Information is shared, and 学生们被鼓励成为苏州教育协会的成员 儿童协会(SAEYC)是SD州和国家组织的一个地方分会 (NAEYC). 该组织努力鼓励学生之间的同志情谊,建立 团队/领导能力,并为学生提供参与服务的机会 projects in our community.
National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP)
NALP是园艺和运动草坪管理专业学生的理想选择. A national seminar 在路易斯维尔,一个竞争/就业博览会轮流举行 members. 参与者与行业代表接触,这可能会导致工作或 internship placement. 在地方层面,学生参加实地考察,社区 service and team building activities.
Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)
中小企业的成立是为了促进学生之间的互动,在工业项目和 professionals in manufacturing fields. In addition to regular meetings, tours are 安排让学生看到他们的训练是如何在现实中付诸行动的 world. 这也为学生提供了与工程师接触的机会 and employers in the area. 全年,中小企的成员都参与项目 that benefit the chapter, the campus and the community.
这是贸易、工业和卫生行业学生的专业俱乐部. SkillsUSA的会员资格为学生提供参加活动的机会, 以及在当地,州和国家技能的职业领域竞争 Competition. 还有演讲、面试和工作演示的比赛 skills.
Southeast Tech Student HVAC Association
东南理工大学学生暖通协会是一个致力于改善的组织 通过与加热、制冷、 air conditioning and ventilation. The Southeast Tech student chapter provides students 继续教育的机会,包括每月的示范会议 from professionals in the HVAC field.
SFHBA学生分会是一个学生在美国学习工作的组织 建筑行业的建筑、工程或建筑技术领域. 该组织的成员与苏福尔斯房屋建筑商协会互动 参加他们全年的活动. These activities 包括人类家园、苏族帝国家居展和苏族 Falls Parade of Homes. Members may also receive scholarships from SFHBA.
Student Nursing organization
护理学生组织提供特定行业的教育机会 这将培养LPN和RN学生的专业能力,以及社区参与 为学生和他们的家庭以及支持系统举办社交活动. The Nursing 学生组织由学生领导团队和一名指导老师领导.
Law Enforcement Sciences Student Organization
东南理工大学执法学生协会致力于促进学生的 课堂之外的执法专业知识和资源 汇集学生和教师,以促进的进步 Law Enforcement Science Program. 它促进了与执法部门的联网和互动 机构进一步加深学生对法律制度的理解和认识. 学生将建立和提高专业和道德标准的计划,达到 透过公共服务,向社会推广同志情谊和友谊 within the program.
Student Association Surgical Technology (AST)
东南理工大学外科技术组织鼓励每个成员朝着 achieving the title of Certified Surgical Technologist. This supports standards of the Association of Operating Room Nurses (AORN).